I have been researching many nutritional sources for supplement details in an effort to help with my own health, from brain function, through my heart and into deeper health.
The information provided on this post and within this web-site is without warranty and has not been evaluated by any regulatory agencies. Be sure to perform your own research and consult with your physician before consuming any nutritional supplements. You and only you are responsible for your health and life choices.
Component | State | Detail |
Amino acids | Beneficial | Helps produce dopamine and norepinephrine, stimulating brain activity. |
Antioxidant | Beneficial | Strengthen blood vessel walls |
Caffeine | Harmful | Elevates heart rate, simulating an energy boost. Reduces hydration. Blocks some beneficial chemical absorption. Trigger for migraine headaches. |
Calcium | Beneficial | Essential for bone health; improves density. |
Carbohydrates | Varies | |
DHA | Beneficial | |
Gluten | Varies | May be a trigger for migraine headaches. |
Magnesium | Beneficial | Calms nerves, heart and other muscles. |
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) | Harmful | May be a trigger for migraine headaches. |
Nitrites | Harmful | May be a trigger for migraine headaches. |
Omega-3 fatty acid | Beneficial | Helps reduce inflammation in the brain and repair cell membranes. Helps tolerate stress. |
Protein | Beneficial | Repairs and builds tissue throughout our body and brains. |
Sugar (Sucrose) | Harmful | Provides a temporary boost of energy. High in calories, often converted to liver fat. Elevates blood glucose levels. Slows immune system. |
Trans fats | Harmful | Diminishes cognitive function. |
Vitamin B family | Beneficial | Essential for blood and nerve health. Helps provide long-lasting energy. Helps break down histamines. |
Vitamin C | Beneficial | Helps with immune system health and controls cortisol production. Helps break down histamines. |
Vitamin D | Beneficial | Assists in calcium absorption. |
Water | Beneficial | Necessary for our bodies, keeping blood fluid and tissue healthy. |
Table of Nutritional Benefit State
Beneficial | This component features mostly beneficial attributes. |
Harmful | This component features mostly harmful attributes. |
Varies | This component features many beneficial and harmful attributes. |
Moderation is essential for all components, even the beneficial nutrients can have a negative impact when used excessively.
There are risks to taking nutritional supplements, especially the possibility of contradiction with other medications, alcohol and smoking. Be sure to advise your physician of all supplements you are taking and be sure to discuss with them your options before starting a supplement regimen.
The information I am providing in this article (and other articles on this site) are provided based on my own research and experience. My findings, and that of many of my sources, have not been evaluated by the FDA. This article is not health advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Always do your own research on nutritional supplements. If you use any of the information provided herein, you are doing so at your own risk. Any application of the material provided is at the reader’s discretion and their sole responsibility.