Several years ago, a national phone number was established in the United states for getting underground utilities marked before digging. This “Call before you dig” is intended to help ensure these utilities are not damaged and no one gets hurt.
There is a website associated with this service that explains and simplifies the process. Naturally the first thing they tell us is to “call before you dig”. It’s free for property owners.
Marker Color Code
Each utility marker has a different color as defined by ANSI standards.
Color | Designated Utility |
Blue | Water supply |
Green | Sewer and drainage |
Orange | Communication cables (including alarm, telephone, television, and network) |
Pink | Temporary markings |
Purple | Irrigation and reclaimed water |
Red | Electric power lines |
Yellow | Gas, oil, or steam line (Including petroleum) |
White | Area to be worked |
It is unlawful to move or remove markers at a dig site before the project is complete.
The markings are an estimate of the utility location. Digging with machinery is not permitted near the marked lines. Hand digging (with shovels) should be performed near the marked lines.
Call 811 Before You Dig!
Call 811 at least four days before you excavation starts. Be prepared to provide an address and project type. Physically marking the area to be flagged helps.
Before your contractor digs, ask them to show the 811 serial number.